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Stapleton Child Photographer


Jonas | Littleton Child Photographer

My kids grow too fast.  I see them every day, and yet they are reaching milestones all too quickly, and all I can see sometimes is that before I know it they won't be little anymore.  Embracing every moment is so important to me.  You can imagine if I see my kids every  day and they are growing too fast, how very quickly little ones who I only see once a year, or every few months, grow. Jonas just turned 2.  He was just a peanut when he was born, and it was amazing how much he had grown when he turned one.  Now he's TWO!  He's gorgeous and I absolutely loved spending some time with him again.  He loved roaring at me like a dinosaur (One of my favorite games with little boys who are shy....) and discovering the world around him.

I'm so excited for the next time we see each other!

Littleton Family Photographer



{Sarene, 4 months} | Parker Baby Photographer

I love my little baby planners!!  Can you believe it's been almost 5 months since this little sweet pea was born??  We had grand plans to go outside this time, but alas, the rain decided otherwise.  So inside we played!  I love that we got to use her little tutu again- it's so cool to see how much she has grown.  She's such a character- so happy! I can't wait to see her again!

Parker Baby Photographer



Catching up | Parker Child Photography

It's been a whirlwind month here.  We had a trip to Texas, tons of beautiful sessions and a wonderful wedding (lots of blog posts coming soon), we had Teagan's injury, and we had a scary health scare with my grandmother that we care for.  She is mostly better now, but adjusting to our new normal has slowed me down a bit.  We had planned to start homeschool this week, but with everything we are holding off until August 1st.  I cannot WAIT to share our adventures in homeschooling.  We are so excited and nervous and and and.  I'm seeing all the school supplies popping up at Target and I am getting giddy.  I get to make our own school supply list.  Please tell me I'm not the only one who gets as excited about school supplies as I do about Christmas gifts.... Anyone?

I am so thrilled that I got to spend the evening with these beautiful kiddos last month.  They are so fun.  Little 18-24 month olds are a blast to capture because there is lots of chasing and making goofy noises and shooting fast.  They are anxious to explore the world around them.  No posing or pressure, just fun.  Sweet little girls are fun for a whole other reason.  They pose, they smile, they want to help- I love it.  It's a great combo.

Cherry Hills Village Child Photorapher



{Good Family} | Stapleton Family Photographer

I know I have said it many times before, but it is an honor to be part of a family's birth story.  It's a bonding experience, and one that very very few people in their life get to take part in.  That said, my birth families have a extremely special place in my heart.   Do you remember just after Thanksgiving when this little guy made his way into the world?  They are one of the most wonderful families I have ever been blessed to know.  They love each other desperately.  Every moment they are teaching their kids. Heck, Daddy willingly took several mosquito bites just to show how they went about getting blood from the body.

They have grown so much- time just goes way too fast for my liking.  I giggled the entire time I edited these- how fun is it that they all made funny faces?  Even baby brother got in on the funny face action!

Stapleton Family Photographer

I love them all.  And they are moving.  I am so sad- but hopeful that we will be able to still see each other now and then.



Starting summer with a bang.

Or at least a buckle fracture.  Tibia and Fibula.


Our sweet little Teagan broke her leg this week.  No major or dramatic story, just landing wrong stepping off a toy.  It's crazy how that can happen, isn't it?  They can tumble and fall in ways that you are just certain they are broken- and they dust themselves off and keep running.  But sometimes just the tiniest thing and a bone breaks. She has been such a trooper this whole adventure- and didn't even cry when they were poking on her.  She just glared at them until I scooped her up.  Then the tears came.  She is amazing.  We just keep laughing when the medical staff says she's tough.  She has to be!  She's number 3 with an older sister who loves to dress her up and a brother who LOVE to wrestle with her.


She's LOVING all the attention, even though the fact that she can't run is making her crazy.  She's crawling around like a mad woman though, and they gave her a walking shoe so that she can get back to walking soon.  That also meant she got her very first sneakers yesterday (to balance the height of the cast) and she got to pick which ones she wanted- so she picked the brightest, most glittery, busiest ones they had.  AND they match her cast.  Teagan, you're a hoot.  Best part about the cast though?  We can get it wet!  They have an option for water-friendly casts now.  Talk about making mommy's life easier.  Do you remember wrapping casts in garbage bags and putting bands around the top super tight so that water wouldn't get in?  And forget water fun in the summer with a cast.  I'm so thankful for this option!  Keeping a toddler dry in the summer is nearly impossible.  And baths?  Oh am I glad we can give her baths!


I'm challenging myself to take a photo a day during this month of her in a cast.  just for fun- and because *hopefully* this is a once in a lifetime kind of thing.




{Ilias-4 months} | Stapleton Denver Baby Photographer

I LOVE my little baby planners!  It's so amazing to see these little guys their first year, when they are first born, when they are holding their head up and smiling lots, sitting up, and then standing.  Do you remember this stunning little guy?  He's so much fun- and he has grown like crazy!  I absolutely love spending time with his family.  I love the way he made so many fun faces.  So much personality.  I adore him.

Stapleton Baby Photographer

I just want to squeeze him.  I squealed when I saw him- can you blame me?

Stapleton Denver Family Photographer


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{Sam & Asher} | Cherry Hills Village Children's Photographer

These little boys have the prettiest hair color EVER.  It's so pretty it doesn't look real.  I'm totally jealous.

Denver Aurora Children's Photographer

I absolutely love putting little boys in their element.  They find the coolest things when we do sessions out in places they can explore naturally.  We spend a lot more time seeing what we can find than we do shooting- and I love it. We saw a baby bunny, ducks swimming, played with rolley poley bugs, avoided ants and just had a grand old time.  Just don't try to make me hold a worm.  I freak out.

Cherry Hills Villiage Child Photographer

Despite oncoming colds, they were such awesome little guys- and I am so glad that we got to play together!

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So Fun | Denver Child Photographer

Denver Child Photography

Mr.T was a blast to shoot! I love boys when they are 6-10 years old.  They are filled with tons of ideas, they move fast, and they are ready and willing to show off a bit for you.  It makes our sessions REALLY fun and fast moving!

Isn't he handsome? I love his love for being outside, that he loves bright colors, and most of all, he and I have the same birthday!!!

He gave me a very nice compliment too- he said "I was upset when my mom said that she signed me up for this, but it was actually fun!"

Thanks for hanging out with me bud!